
The Best Way to Do Push Up

The Best Way to Do Push Up - The push up exercise is one of the easiest fitness moves we can do. Push up is also included in the basic upper body movement that still hits to this day. The push-up movement has important benefits in shaping our chest muscles and arms! Push ups will activate the small muscles that have the function as a stabilizer such as the abdomen, back pawah, hip flexor, and rotator cuff. Do not have big chest muscles and stocky? Have a dream of getting it? With the push-up program below you can enlarge your chest muscles and simultaneously strengthen the foundation of the stabilizer muscle! What are these types of push up exercises? Check it out now!

Best push up exercises

1. Standard push up exercises

Way to do :

- Preparation: Place your palms on the floor with your arms stretched as wide as your shoulders. Position both legs straight and condition your body weight resting on the ends of both feet.

- Execution: Tighten the muscles of your body, slowly start lowering your body down as low as possible until it touches the floor, hold it for a while and push the body up into the starting position, repeat some of the recommended sets and reps below.

- Benefits of exercise: Train pectoral muscles, triceps, deltoids, triceps, and core muscles.

2. Variable arm width push up exercises

Way to do :

- Preparation: Place your palms on the floor by forming a diamond and stretching your shoulder-width apart, positioning your feet like the standard fitness movement above.

- Execution: Perform the following execution of 3 reps to get 1 full set.

* Lower your body as low as possible, hold for a few moments then push your body into its original position so that the arm condition back on its back like the original position.

* Move the position of the hand to shoulder width apart, lower the body as low as possible, hold for a while, and push the body up back to the starting position.

* Widen the position of your hand until wider than the shoulder, go back to do push-up with pause at the base of the movement.

* Restore your hands to shoulder width apart, then start doing regular push ups with jedai at the base of the movement.

* Raise your hands to form a diamond and push up once more with the jedai to complete 1 repetition.

- The benefits of exercise: Train pectoral muscles, triceps, deltoids, and other muscles.

3. Swiss ball push up practice

Way to do :

- Preparation: Position a swiss ball under your chest. Place your palms shoulder-width apart above the ball. Condition your full-backed arms, legs supine with pound weight on your toes.

- Execution: Lower your body toward the ball slowly in 3 seconds. Do not reflect the ball, push your body to the original position.

- Benefits of exercise: Movement on swiss ball push up is concentrated on the stability and balance of strength on the chest, shoulders, and tricep muscles. With the ball can also put more pressure on the core.

4. Kettlebell exercises push ups

Way to do :

- Preparation: Place 2 pieces of kettlebell 4 kg or 8 lbs on the floor. Position the kettlebell handle in a position on the floor. Place your palms over the kettlebell with your shoulders spread shoulder-width apart and your legs also stretched out with your weight resting on your toes.

- Execution: Slow the body slowly as low as possible until the chest really strikes in 3 counts. Hold for a moment and then push the body to the starting position in a controlled manner.

- Benefits of exercise: This exercise can train the forearm muscles, triceps, biceps, shoulders, chest, lower back, and stomach.

Recommended sets and repetitions of push up exercises

Try to do the four exercises above to get the total benefit. Below is a set and repetition recommendation that you can do from the four types of exercises above.

1. Standard push up exercise: 3 sets x 15 to 20 reps as heating

2. Variable arm width push up exercise: 3 sets x 15 reps

3. Swiss ball push up practice: 3 sets x 15 to 20 reps

4. Kettlebell exercises push up: 3 sets x 10 reps

Well that's a complete explanation of the kind of best push up exercises that can help in the process of enlarging your chest muscles to be bigger, plane, and muscular. Never underestimate the push up exercise, do it well, regularly and balanced with the consumption of healthy nutrition and high protein and end with enough rest then the goal has a large chest muscle is not just a dream. Make it happen now, good luck and greeting sport!

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