
How to Run without Fatigue

How to Run without Fatigue - Running is one type of exercise that is popular enough to keep a healthy body condition can also be a sport that has benefits to lose weight. Below are tips so that you do not feel tired when running.

Run without fatigue

1. Start with Heating 

Before you start swinging your feet slowly then running, warm up first. By warming up, the muscles will stretch so you can get the best efficiency when running later. Start by stretching your legs and some small warming up at your feet to your waist.

2. Drink water and avoid dehydration 

After finished warming up, drink at least one glass of mineral water / water. Bring 1 bottle of drinking water to avoid dehydration while traveling on your running route. Drink water as needed when you feel thirsty and continue running until the goal distance is reached.

3. Play music 

By listening to your favorite music, every step by step you will enjoy more and increase your spirits in reaching your target finish line.

4. Run constantly and do not rush 

When you have started running, start by running. Find the fastest speed and condition, then add it slowly to the point of the heartbeat you've targeted. Especially for those of you who are trying to run a marathon, try to stay constant and do not be in a hurry so the energy does not run out instantly. Increase the running speed when approaching the finish line.

5. Set your breathing well

 Breathe through your nose and breathe out in a controlled way through your mouth.

6. Run for your own will!

 Go forward and be consistent, run on without giving up with fatigue. No pain no gain is the exact term you cultivate in yourself in order to achieve the goals you dreamed of. If you feel tired, slow down and never get used to stop because with a sudden stop is dangerous. Unless you have already felt the pain, it means that there is something excessive about your running practice.

7. Cool down 

When finished running, do not forget to do cooling. make sure the last 10 to 15 minutes of exercise is the time leading up to the cooling session (slowdown time). After your body condition has stopped from running, do cooling movement to help the body to not feel tired of course.8. Rest 
The cooling phase is over, it's time to rest. Use maximum rest time and refresh enough for the body to re-fit again.

9. Focus goals and self-motivation 

This ninth point is a key point for the sport to run you can mencapi on the intended target by not feeling tired. With a focus on the goal, you will more easily get a healthy body. In addition, by motivating yourself can also make your running sports program successful with satisfactory results of course.

10. Supplementation of stamina

 The last point is optional depending on you, supplementing or taking a fitness supplement before running is recommended to add your stamina before and while running. The supplement recommendation that you should try is supplement ABBOTT EAS MYOPLEX PREWORKOUT which is useful for improving your stamina before you start running or any other sports.

Well that's information about running sports tips without feeling tired you can do, hopefully useful and greeting sport!

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