
Clean Bulking Fitness Tips

Clean Bulking Fitness Tips - Clean bulking is a type of bulking (the program to increase body weight and muscle mass) is done to adjust the diet as possible by eating nutritious foods and less fat so that the increase in muscle mass can be obtained more quickly. Tips bulking is perfect for you who are skinny and want to have increased muscle mass as well as weight gain of course.

Clean bulking tips

Simply, to get a good target bulking, start with the concept that our body needs a certain amount of calories to maintain muscle mass, if you consume food with calories below the average then your muscles will lose weight and vice versa. There are two options to increase our weight, the first is to do the same diet approximately 1-2 weeks later to know the calories of food that goes into your body. If your weight does not change at the end of your diet, add 10 to 15% of calories to start adding weight. The second is to consume some calories into your body continuously or continuously so it will become a surplus of calories.

In short, it's possible to consume only large amounts of pizza or cake and sustain every day we can gain weight gain, but this will not make us bulk with a lot of fat in the body. For that, diperlkukan a clean and nutritious diet so that in the process of clean bulking can produce a maximum goal later.

Another thing to keep in mind, most people assume that protein is a major and important factor in the process of forming and increasing muscle mass, even the thought that appears that by increasing the protein intake as much as possible then it can produce a lot of muscle mass is also sure to arise if this word PROTEIN. It's not 100% right! Remember, proteins can not be stored by our bodies in contrast to fats and carbohydrates that can be stored in the body in a relatively 'long' timeframe. Proteins will be used by the body when we take daily activities, especially for heavy activities. Only a few; just proteins that will be evacuated in our body.

Another point is about the fat in our body. There are some good fats (unsaturated) which are very useful in clean bulking program. These fats contain omega 3, omega 6, and omega 9 and come from nuts, olive oil or olive oil, and some fatty fish that are important to our body.

The latter is about foods that contain carbohydrates. Foods such as brown rice, pasta, and wheat contain complex carbohydrates that are very well consumed when performing a clean bulking program. Why is that? Because the food is long enough when digested by our body. This will provide sustainable energy for long periods of time.

Well now you already understand about the tips and foundations for a solid bulking clean program, do the above tips with really really and consistently then the goal in having a bulking or contained body will be achieved well. Do not forget to be patient and never give up, good luck and greeting sport!

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